Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I will get better

Hope you had a wonderful, inspiring Group last night. Emmi gave her DARE speech last night so that is why I missed.

Take a look at the quote by "Rocky" in th esidebar. I love that. Think about might as well try something you really want to do and fail at that...rather than just live a mediocre life!! There are so many artsy type projects I've been wanting to try for several years...but I haven't even started because I keep telling myself I'm not good. I'm not a painter, a sculptor, an artist. But, seriously...what is the worst that could happen? I could enjoy trying, maybe come out with something I do like. OR I could try it, have fun and end up with a mess. But I would have still had fun!!!

How about you. What is it that you are just dying to try...but haven't because of fear of failure? Take some time this week to think about it. When your ready...why not take action and DO IT?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Meeting Tonight

Kristen and I are so excited about our meeting tonight!! Sister Eckerson will be giving us a personality test. This could really help us see why we do the things we do!! The meeting is at 7PM at the church. See you then!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal." -Charles Carlson

Oh, I love this quote!! It's true, you know. The moment each one of you said I'm gonna workout, I'm gonna eat better, I'm gonna read the scriptures...the moment you said that you made that first baby step to accomplishment!!

Here's hoping your Thursday is amazing and I hope to see you on Saturday!!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday and more...

Sorry to those sisters that missed our meeting last Tuesday. There was no power at Church so we ended up meeting at my house. I know Kristen tried to call everyone...sorry or the confusion!!

Kristen talked about our attitudes towards our goals. I really enjoyed hearing ways we meet our goals by altering our attitudes. As many times as I've been on this weight-loss/fitness journey I know there is no magic pill. There is no special food to eat or shake to drink. What it all boils down to is we have to want to change bad enough.

I have tried to change my attitude towards food for 4 years. This time, for whatever reason I am doing it!! I am able to say no. I am able to choose healthy more times than not. I am able to ignore that craving for sugar.

Sisters, please know that you are not alone on your journey. We are here for one another. Our Heavenly Father is here for us, too. All we have to do is ask for His help and we will receive it!

I leave you with something to think about today.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." -Norman Vincent Peale

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hope to see you tonight!

Hope to see you all at our group tonight at 7PM. For those of you that missed last week...I have something special for you...:)

Be ready to share any inspirational ideas, goals and challenges with your sisters tonight!!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday & Reaching our Goals

I don't know about you...but I thought yesterday's Sacrament Meeting was amazing. The spirit was so strong! I so needed yesterday, to regroup, reflect and revise my goals for February. Feeling that sweet spirit at Church put my life and my goals back in perspective for me.

Now that January is behind us, we have a brand new month ready for us to set a few goals. Perhaps you're ready to kick it up a notch like me. Instead of working out for 20 minutes you're going for 30 or whatever. Remember, it's always good to keep setting your sights a bit out of reach so we can keep striving to be better. That is how we grow!

I LOVED what Sister Drews wrote in our RS newsletter. If you haven't read it yet I encourage you to do so. Her words can definitely help us reach those goals we have set.

Sisters, I am so proud of each of you and look forward to Tuesday night. I have the program and can't wait to share my topic with you!!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

How is it going?

Sisters, I had so much fun at the RS social last night. The talk from Brother Smith about us all being Daughters of our Heavenly Father meant so much to me. It put things in perspective.

I hope you have had a wonderful week filled with accomplishing your goals. Remember baby steps!!

Here is the link to walking/running your first 5K.